The conversation has changed
Well, Winnipeg’s 2022 municipal election was pretty… anti-climactic. A council with exactly one brand-new face; the others all incumbents from previous councils. There were some really exciting candidates who ran excellent races, but none of them secured a seat. But. While I went to sleep on election night feeling disillusioned and disappointed, with the benefit […]
A Little Something (Local) Under the Tree
List of local Winnipeg businesses offering local delivery/curbside pickup for Christmas 2020.
Good Things Yet to Come
Well, we are closing in on March and I think I should put my Winnipeg Gratitude series to rest, even though I fell short a few days. This is the last post in my series of reflections on the people, places and things I’m grateful for in my adopted hometown of Winnipeg. This one is […]
Peg Gratitude: Day 25 – Sidewalks
Oh hi. It’s me again, still plugging away at my “31 days of gratitude” series that will have taken me more like 60 days to write. For my 25th day (should I just call it number 25?) I’m reflecting on how sidewalks are awesome. I really didn’t think too much about them or what it’s […]
Peg Gratitude: Day 24 – Grassroots Groups
If there was a theme to my 2019, it was finding ways to put my dreams for a happier, healthier, safer city into action by getting involved with grassroots groups. From our boulevard tree project and trees coalition to Safe Speeds Wpg to YIMBY Winnipeg, I’ve found so much optimism and hope in meeting other […]
Peg Gratitude: Day 23 – Thermea
My sister-in-law and I have been taking each other to Thermea – Winnipeg’s amazing outdoor Nordic spa – for our birthdays for a few years now. It is truly one of the most relaxing, enjoyable experiences I can think of!! I used to feel a little sheepish raving about Thermea – it seemed a little […]
Peg Gratitude: Day 22 – Manitobah Mukluks
Last winter I got myself a pair of mukluks from Manitoba Mukluks. They are toasty, they are comfy, and they. are. gorgeous. Intrigued by the name, I researched the company before I made my purchase, and I was thrilled to learn that many of their products are made right here in Winnipeg. Those that are […]
Peg Gratitude: Day 21 – Local Beer
When I moved to the ‘Peg 11 years ago, I believe there were only two local breweries: Fort Garry and Half Pints. A few years back the liquor laws changed and craft breweries began popping up at an impressive rate. At first I could keep track of all the new additions (thanks in great part […]
Peg Gratitude: Day 20 – Local Artists
I got the most stunning, perfect Christmas gift from a dear friend this year: a print from Nice Art People of an elm tree ring, from Elmwood no less, like this one. I’m so excited to hang it up. It joins my small collection of lovely Winnipeg-themed or Winnipeg-made artwork. I treated myself to the […]
Peg Gratitude: Day 19 – Winnipeg Public Library
I’ve always been a library fan. I was a massive bookworm as a kid — one of my fondest childhood summer memories is getting stacks of books from the Lac du Bonnet library while visiting my grandparents at their cottage. As a teen in a just-before-the-internet world, the Lethbridge Public Library was my gateway to […]