About this blog

I started this blog in 2009 with two of my closest friends, Aaron Fitchett and Laurel Fulford. We’d all been living in Vancouver but decided to try living in Winnipeg (who does that??), and we found it so fun and weird and interesting that we created this blog as a way to capture all the things that made Winnipeg so Winnipeg-y.  Eventually, it was just me left in Winnipeg, and I blog when I can, which is not that often.

Over time, the focus of the blog has shifted away from documenting Winnipeg’s quirks to reflecting on the city’s challenges and the ways we do or do not strive to be better. (Or at the very least, that’s what the dozens of half-composed posts that I’ve never actually finished and published say!)

I’ve left my original bio below to remind me that although Winnipeg is not as wonderful and exciting and wholesome as I thought it was a decade ago, it is still a place with huge potential, a place worth investing in, and a place worth loving.

-Emma Durand-Wood


Emma Durand-Wood

emmaWho can explain the crazy things we do in life? Emma Durand-Wood spent most of her life inexplicably yearning for Manitoba, the province of her roots and of many happy childhood summers. Fortunately, she finally took the plunge and moved to the Heart of the Continent in the summer of 2008. She’s now happily on a mission to: (1) discover Winnipeg’s best kept culinary, cultural, and quirky secrets, (2) continue to lure friends from other provinces to Friendly Manitoba, and (3) navigate Confusion Corner without having a panic attack.